This class diagram shows the code-level structure of the "Create Note" use case.
direction TB
class Note {
+ id: string
+ title: string
+ description: string
+ createdBy: string
+ archived: boolean
class CreateNewNoteUseCase {
+ execute(payload: CreateNoteDTO): Note
class CreateNewNoteInteractor {
- noteRepository: NoteRepository
+ execute(request: CreateNoteDTO): Note
class NoteRepository {
+ getNoteById(id: UniqueID): Note;
+ getNotesByUserId(userId: UniqueID): Note[];
+ updateNote(note: Note): Note;
+ deleteNote(id: UniqueID): Note;
+ createNewNote(note: Note): Note;
class Controller {
+ handle(request: Request): Response
class NoteRepositoryImplement {
+ getNoteById(id: UniqueID): Note;
+ getNotesByUserId(userId: UniqueID): Note[];
+ updateNote(note: Note): Note;
+ deleteNote(id: UniqueID): Note;
+ createNewNote(note: Note): Note;
CreateNewNoteUseCase <|.. CreateNewNoteInteractor
CreateNewNoteInteractor --> NoteRepository : uses
CreateNewNoteInteractor --> Note : uses
Controller --> CreateNewNoteUseCase : invokes
NoteRepository <|.. NoteRepositoryImplement
%% Add custom class for styling
style Note fill:#ffffcc,stroke:#ffd700,stroke-width:2px
style CreateNewNoteUseCase fill:#ffcccc,stroke:#ff0000,stroke-width:2px
style CreateNewNoteInteractor fill:#ffcccc,stroke:#ff0000,stroke-width:2px
style NoteRepository fill:#ffcccc,stroke:#ff0000,stroke-width:2px
style Controller fill:#ccffcc,stroke:#00ff00,stroke-width:2px
style NoteRepositoryImplement fill:#ccffcc,stroke:#00ff00,stroke-width:2px