1. Use of TypeScript Across the Stack

Date: 2024-12-12


Accepted (Proposed | Accepted | Deprecated)


Both frontend (React) and backend (HonojS) are built using TypeScript. Adding type safety could help prevent runtime errors and improve the development experience by providing better tooling and code clarity.


TypeScript will be used across the stack for both the frontend and backend.


  • Positive: TypeScript’s static type checking helps catch errors early in the development process, improving code quality.
  • Positive: TypeScript enhances the developer experience with features like autocompletion, refactoring tools, and improved navigation.
  • Positive: Using TypeScript across the stack ensures consistency and better communication between frontend and backend teams.
  • Negative: TypeScript introduces an additional layer of complexity, and the team will need to manage type definitions and configurations, which might slow down initial development.